Web3D Consortium’s Monthly News Brief
Importance of X3D ISO Ratification
December 2020 Highlights:
X3D Version 4.0 open for Web3D member vote
The Web3D Consortium continues its mission to promote open interactive 3D through advancements of ISO standard X3D and HAnim. Our community is implementing business-critical 3D applications, adopting many related 3D technologies and trends. Every month we curate multiple topics to help provide clarity around the future of X3D graphics and it’s ecosystem.
Web3D Consortium will be submitting X3D4 specifications for ISO/IEC ratification in December 2020, so what better time to discuss why consensus-based ISO/IEC standards are important, especially for 3D technology.
Web3D standards are developed, tested, maintained and updated by Web3D Consortium members. Following public comment and approval by the Web3D Consortium, they are submitted to International Standards Organization (ISO) for a series of annual reviews. X3D4 development has been the center of discussion among the Web3D Working groups and community for the past 2 years. Consortium members are empowered to participate and contribute to the X3D4 specifications before public deployment. All decision are consensus based, following Web3D Standards Adoption guidelines and IP Policy. Members have early access to the specification under development to identify at least two independent and interoperable implementations. After this extensive collaborative work, now it’s time for our members to Influence Web3D technology and industry by voting on X3D4 specifications for ISO/IEC ratification. Why is this important?
Over the years several proprietary 3D technologies have come and gone, leading to loss of investment and negating valuable resources. When we know software has been tried, tested, and comply with requirements set by ISO/IEC standards and meet industry expectations they help innovation, consumers, businesses, and the government in many ways. ISO Standards are a key part of innovation as they ensure long term stability, quality and interoperability in both products and services.
“Trusted standards mean that industry doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel, that innovations will be compatible and work with existing technology, and that products and services will be trusted too. Governments use standards as trusted solutions to complement regulation, and they give peace of mind to consumers who know they are not putting themselves or their families at risk.” Acting ISO Secretary-General Kevin McKinley
Industry and businesses benefit from ISO standards as they can help cut development costs by using proved systems and procedures put in place. In addition, they are able to access new markets and customers. Products and services which comply with defined standards allow consumers to have confidence that they are stable, interoperable and extensible. Governments can also benefit greatly from ISO/IEC standards to support public policy by getting expert opinions and international consensus. Many governments implement international standards to ensure stability and interoperability worldwide.
While the end goal is ISO/IEC ratification of Web3D standards. The Web3D Consortium also places high priority on liaisons with other 3D technology related Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) in order to ensure that the X3D Graphics Standards are co-evolving for maximum possible interoperability in support of authors, applications and end users on the Web. Web3D partnerships with standards organizations are oriented towards combining resources when appropriate to advance specification development, as well as conducting outreach with developer and user communities in order to raise awareness and accelerate adoption of ISO/IEC X3D® specifications. Web3D Member Liaison Resources.
The Web3D Consortium strives to provide great benefits to it members in the area of 3D computer graphics standards. Web3D Consortium membership is fully open to industry, government agencies, academia and individual professionals. Members collaboratively develop the Consortium’s standard X3D and tools making them widely adopted across diverse markets.
Join the Consortium and have access to Industry-wide perspectives to help make informed strategic decisions and build your next open 3D application! There are many benefits that come with Web3D membership. Our marketing website, WebX3D.org and our series of educational Webinars on X3D technology helps you get started with X3D. Learn more about our Working Groups and other initiative in our Newsletter.
X3D is your hub for publishing 3D data. A higher-level language to compose several 3D assets into a meaningful 3D Web applications for publishing 3D with interactivity. Check out Web3D member use cases and join this innovative 3D graphics community.
Web3D Consortium is a nonprofit organization that develops and maintains the X3D, VRML, and HAnim international standards. These are 3D graphics file formats and run-time specifications for the delivery and integration of interactive 3D data over networks. Web3D Consortium members work together to produce open, royalty-free and ISO-ratified capabilities for the Web. For more information please contact us at contact@web3d.org. Follow us on twitter @web3dconsortium and get updates at Web3D News and Events.
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