X3DOM is an open-source JavaScript library for rendering X3D and VRML content. X3D authors can display 3D content in WebGL-supported browsers across different operating systems without plugins. These tutorials help you create simple applications in different domains—everything you need to get started.
X_ITE is an open soure JavaScript library that uses WebGL for rendering of X3D and VRML file formats. X3D authors can render 3D content in several browsers across different operating systems without plugins. These X_ITE tutorials help you create simple applications. Everything you need to get started.
A series of pages by KShell Analysis illustrate interactive capabilities applied to CAD visualizations, including animated exploded view and annotations, combining 2D drawings and 3D models, and interactive assembly and disassembly.
The Web3D Consortium develops and maintains X3DTMand HAnim ISO Standards. Web3D Consortium is an international, member-funded industry consortium committed to the deployment of open, royalty-free 3D standards that enable interactive, real-time 3D on the Web. Available across many application domains and is Web ready. Visit us at Web3D.org